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Account Information

Please enter your information and proceed to the next step so we can build your accounts.

Basic User information

First Name

Firstname is required. at least 6 characters.
Last Name

required. min 6 characters.
Your Email

Email is required. Enter valid email
Phone Number

Phone Number is required.
Date of Birth

Date of Birth is required. enter a valid date (mm/dd/yyyy).

Zip Code is required.
Profile Picture

Picture is required.
Please select your gender.

Address is required. Address must specify at least 10 characters.
City Name

City Name is required.
State Security Number

Currency Type
Please select Account Type.
Account Type
Please select Account Type.

Employment Information (Incase of Loan/Facility)

Name, and Address of Employer

Phone Number of Employer

Type of Employment
Salary Range

Registered Next of Kin

Beneficiary Legal Name

Beneficiary Occupation

Beneficiary Email Address

Beneficiary Phone Number
Phone Number is required. Enter valid phone Number

Please select Relationship
Please select Age

Security Details


required. min of 6 characters. max 10 characters.
Confirm Password

required. values don't match

Pin is required. at least 4 characters. max of 6 characters. Pin must be Integer.
Verify 2FA PIN

Confirm Password is required. Account Pin is required. values don't match
Select Security Question One
Answer Question One

Select Security Question Two
Answer Question Two

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